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Women of Drummer Central Region Gathering 

Writer: Women of DrummerWomen of Drummer

We “might not be in Kansas anymore” but the Women of Drummer who attended the Central Gathering can certainly recall plenty of Mid-Western hotness and hospitality from those “we met along the way”! (Wizard of Oz) Twenty-five women from Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Indiana, Maryland and Pennsylvania descended upon Kansas City, Missouri to take part in the Women of Drummer Central Gathering June 23-25. The weekend began with a “Get Your Kink On” Meet & Greet sponsored by Missouri Valley DNA upstairs at Missy B’s Bar. We were immediately greeted by current Drummer Stan Dibble and Drummerboy Edward Haney and welcomed to Kansas City!

There was a buzz of excitement present during Friday evening’s Meet & Greet. Local leathermen and Women of Drummer drank, chatted, had their boots shined by Bootblack Angela, and enjoyed the shreeks coming from Drummerboy Edward as a variety of folks paddled his ass mercilessly. While many women attending the event were from the Kansas City area, some women had never met one another and the evening was one of introductions and relationship building. While the evening reunited old friends and helped us make new friends, the spirit of DNA (Drummer North America) and WOD (Women of Drummer) has been and continued to be about having fun, aka #DNAnigans, as well as mutual respect between brothers and sisters in leather.

Saturday afternoon, Women of Drummer hosted a round table for women to talk about themselves, the local and regional scene and the Women of Drummer North American movement. We were treated to a fabulous lunch buffet donated by The Leather Shop and KCLU (Kansas City Leather University). Most of our discussion centered on what “fierce” and ” badass” meant to the group. The discussion also included ways one can participate in the Women of Drummer movement all year round through blogs, twitter, instagram photographs, video, gatherings and the annual DNA/WOD contest weekend.

Saturday evening featured a womens play party at The Victorian. Once again, Kansas City organizations sponsored our evening by providing delicious treats for our play party. Special thanks to Cara, Photojan and the KCKW (Kansas City Kinky Women) for the great space, BBQ and assorted dishes. The evening began with our hosts, Boy Robi, Central Region Women of Drummer Coordinator, and Jessica Fidget, Executive Producer of the Women of Drummer Contest, instigating an indoor kinky clothespin competition. Each team was given 30 seconds to place as many clothes pins as possible on their partner! After beginning the party with fits of laughter and hotness, the evening became even hotter as women were bound, flogged, caned, spanked, and tortured. While some women had decades of play experience behind them, it was especially exciting to see new kinksters attend their first play party and learn about local womens’ organizations.

The weekend concluded with a brunch at Chubby’s restaurant where a registration package to the DNA/WOD contest weekend February 22-25, 2018 was given to the lucky winner of the raffle, Shawn, from the Kansas area. Women of Drummer would like to thank the Cara, Janet and Stan for coordinating our Missouri Valley weekend and all of the sexy women who joined us for part or all of the weekend!

The gatherings continue in Atlanta, July 14-15, in Portland, July 28-29, in Pennsylvania, Sept 15-17 and all come together in Las Vegas February 22-25. For those that hear our drum, we are never far away. You can find us online 24/7 and we welcome your blogs, videos, and photos all year round.


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